Research Ethics Association Advertising Policy
Updated: 14th September 2023
1. Introduction
The Research Ethics Association (REA) offers opportunities for organisations and individuals to advertise on its website, conferences, and other events, subject to the terms and conditions outlined in this Advertising Policy. This policy aims to ensure that advertising with REA aligns with our mission and values while providing valuable exposure to advertisers.
2. Eligibility for Advertising
2.1. Advertiser Qualifications: REA welcomes advertisements from organisations, institutions, and individuals whose products, services, or events align with the mission and values of the Research Ethics Association.
2.2. Approval Process: All advertising requests are subject to review and approval by REA. We reserve the right to reject any advertisement that does not meet our criteria or is deemed inappropriate.
3. Advertisements Placement
3.1. Website Advertising: Advertisements on the REA website will be placed in designated areas, clearly distinguished from REA's content. Banner sizes and placements will be determined in accordance with our website design.
3.2. Conference and Event Advertising: Advertisements at REA conferences and events may include booths, banners, and promotional materials, subject to event-specific guidelines.
4. Advertisement Content
4.1. Content Approval: All advertisement content must be submitted to REA for approval before publication. Advertisements must be accurate, relevant, and not contain misleading information.
4.2. Ethical Guidelines: Advertisements must adhere to ethical standards and should not promote harmful, discriminatory, or illegal activities.
5. Payment and Pricing
5.1. Pricing Structure: Advertisers will be charged according to the pricing structure determined by REA. Pricing may vary based on placement, duration, and type of advertising.
5.2. Payment Terms: Payment for advertising services must be made in accordance with the payment terms specified by REA. Failure to make payments as agreed may result in the removal of advertisements.
5.3 Pricing Structure:
Bundle Packages: Website and Event Combo: 10% discount if an advertiser books both website and event advertising.
Discounts: Early Bird Discount: Offer a 10% discount for advertisers who book and pay for advertising three months or more in advance.
Member Discount: Offer a 15% discount for members of the Research Ethics Association.
Custom Packages: We also offer bespoke packages to suit individual requirements. Please contact to discuss.
6. Duration and Renewal
6.1. Advertisement Duration: The duration of advertisements will be determined based on the specific advertising package chosen. Advertisers may choose to renew their advertisements upon expiration, subject to availability.
7. Termination of Advertisements
7.1. REA's Right to Remove: REA reserves the right to remove any advertisement that violates this policy or is deemed inappropriate, without providing a refund.
7.2. Advertiser's Right to Terminate: Advertisers may request the removal of their advertisement at any time. Refunds for early termination will be determined on a case-by-case basis.
8. Review and Revision
8.1. Policy Updates: REA reserves the right to update this Advertising Policy as needed. Advertisers will be notified of any significant changes.
9. Contact
For inquiries about advertising with the Research Ethics Association or to submit an advertisement for approval, please contact our advertising team at