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Research Ethics Association presents



In association with


Abstract Submission Information for PEREC 2024

Abstract submission is now open

PEREC is excited to announce the call for abstracts for our upcoming conference, welcoming submissions in three distinct areas: individual abstracts, posters, and workshops.

General Information:

  • All abstracts must be written in standard English.

  • Each submission should adhere to a specified maximum word count and include keywords and references within the given limits.

  • While a REA account is not mandatory for submission, registering as a new REA member may result in discounted registration fees. Currently REA membership is free until December 2024.

  • Full paper submissions are not required for participation in the conference.

  • Abstracts will be submitted via Oxford Abstracts

  • Upon completion, submitters will receive email confirmation along with a copy of their abstract.

  • All abstracts will undergo peer review by at least two anonymous reviewers.

Individual Abstracts

  • Abstract length: 400 words max.

  • Additional 200 words allowed for references.

  • Six keywords required.

  • Each abstract will undergo peer review by at least two anonymous reviewers.

  • Individual papers will be grouped into coherent symposia of up to three presentations in a 1-hour 30-minute slot.

  • Each presenter will be allocated 30 minutes, with approximately 20 minutes for presentation and 10 minutes for questions.

  • A chairperson will be assigned to each individual paper session.


  • Poster summary length: 400 words max.

  • Additional 200 words allowed for references.

  • Six keywords required.

  • Poster submission deadline: 20th June 2024.

  • All poster submissions will automatically be accepted, but both the poster and abstract must be submitted.

  • Posters will be physically displayed.

  • All posters will have the opportunity to deliver a 5-minute presentation during the conference.

  • A prize will be awarded for the best poster.

  • Poster presenters are responsible for printing and bringing their posters and sending them via email as a PDF to


  • Proposal length: 400 words, to include title, aim, predicted outcomes, short background, and experience summary of facilitator(s).

  • Additional 200 words allowed for references.

  • Six keywords required.

  • Workshop facilitators must include any materials and resources required to successfully run the workshop.

  • Workshops will be allocated a standard 60 - 90 minute slot.

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