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Session and Workshop Abstracts

Workshop 1B (W1B) - Abstracts

Drop-in Ethical Applications Advice 

Hosted by: Gail Seymour, Ethics and Governance Manager at the University of Exeter


Abstract: Gail Seymour, Research Ethics and Governance Manager at the University of Exeter, is going to be offering individual advice, support and feedback on your Research Ethics applications. With years of experience, she is the perfect person to look over your application and answer any questions you may have regarding the process, form and anything relating to ethical clearance for your project.  

This workshop runs on a preregistration-only basis. You would have been allocated a 15-minute slot at the time of your registration. Please have your ethics form ready if you had elected to upload it in advance. Make sure you take this opportunity for valuable input to better your application and learn from an expert in the field!

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